An apology from the Shot Report Staff and Memorial to Glen Zediker

Dear Shot Report Readers,

I’d like to start by giving some apologies.  I’m sorry.  I’m not a writer by trade, so please be understanding while you read this. There, that’s the first one. The next is that I’m truly sorry that it has taken so long for us to get a Shot Report sent out to you.

2020 was a challenging year to say the least. I won’t re-hash what we all know and remember from toilet paper, to riots, elections and I won’t even talk about the virus. You’ve all heard enough from other sources, I’ll move on.  The real reason we haven’t had a Shot Report in so long was the fact that our friend and writer of the Reloading Corner, Glen Zediker, passed away last year.  Replacing that much knowledge from reloading and gunsmithing, to shooting from all aspects, and being able to articulate that knowledge in writing form has been very difficult.  We could have built newsletters loaded with politics and gun legislation, but without the basis of what the Shot Report was really about, Reloading and Shooting, it would have been just that; more politics and more gun legislation. Both of which are everywhere.

Before you jump my case about the importance of both of those topics, make no mistake – we are fully aware of the importance of both. No one understands the threat to our 2nd Amendment freedoms better than those us in the shooting industry.  But, we know that politics and gun legislation aren’t the main reasons we had such a strong readership base.  We understand that the bulk of our readers are past the beginning stages of reloading and loved Glens insights into how to hone those skills. If you haven’t read Glens reloading corner, we invite you to look back at some of the older issues.  Glen was a great writer and as I said, a wealth of knowledge.  We started last year with the hope that we could provide a place of relief and escape from all of the oddities that 2020 served us all.  Those oddities just kept coming, one after another, after another.

I would like to extend my sympathies publicly to Glens family.  I wish we could have told Glen how much we appreciated his work and the passion he put into making us look good. He was man of precision, yet had a thousand irons in the fire.  A new shooting project on each horizon.

We plan to continue producing articles and issues in the near future. Please bear with us as we work through some struggles.  We don’t want to send out anything just for the sake of sending out something.  If it goes to your inbox, we want it to be worth looking at.  I hope you’ll accept my apologies, and that you look forward to our upcoming issues.

One final note:  Please understand that our main mission is supplying shooters and reloaders with supplies and that has presented us with more challenges than you can imagine. The majority of our energy and time has been devoted to getting packages out in the timeliest manner possible for the last 12 months.  Like many other businesses through this ordeal, many hats have been worn by all Midsouth Shooters employees to help with the influx of orders.  Buyers became packers, operators became pullers, IT guys became order checkers and pallet loaders, and the next day may hold a new position.  All of us have packed, pulled, helped receiving, unloaded trucks, restocked shelves, broke down bullets and brass.  Our kids, spouses, neighbors have pitched in at times to help add to the effort. It truly has been all hands on deck approach.

Thanks for your time, and your support of The Shot Report,

Michael Ryan

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