New Jersey: Legislature Passes Smart Gun Legislation

Even though they don’t yet (really) exist, New Jersey seeks to force you to own one! READ MORE

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Last Thursday, both chambers of the New Jersey Legislature passed “smart gun” legislation despite this technology being more science fiction than reality. Undaunted by the facts stacked up against yet another horrible gun control idea, anti-gun lawmakers in Trenton couldn’t resist another opportunity to advance their gun ban agenda in New Jersey.

A.1016 /S.101 would force market acceptance of smart guns by requiring gun dealers to offer them for sale. Typically, when you have to force businesses to sell a product, that’s a very strong indicator that there is not a market for the product. However, anti-gun extremists in the Garden State aren’t concerned with facts or evidence.

Only a couple of states, Maryland and California, have passed smart gun legislation. Since there is not currently a viable smart gun on the market, these laws have not been implemented. New Jersey passed a smart gun law in 2002 which stated that once smart guns were certified as viable, only handguns incorporating this technology could be sold in New Jersey. This of course amounts to nothing more than a ban on traditional handguns. Nearly two decades later, there have been no meaningful improvements leading to the certification of smart guns. As a result, anti-gunners grew weary of the wait and have now taken the next step of forcing market acceptance of an inferior product. Gun shops may be forced to put a smart gun on their shelves, but the anti-gun zealots are more likely to see dust collecting rather than actual sales. In the end, this is just another sad chapter in the ongoing war against gun owners in New Jersey.

This bill now goes to the Governor’s desk. It will have zero impact on public safety and represents nothing more than another swipe at the state’s law-abiding citizens. Make your voice heard and register your opposition. Please contact Gov. Phil Murphy immediately and request that he veto this legislation.

smart gun
Amatrix iP1 gun and accessory watch
Smart-Gun Only Fires if User is Wearing Special Watch
A James Bond-style smart gun that only fires if the user is wearing a special watch has gone on sale.
The Armatix Smart System consists of the iP1, a .22-caliber pistol, and a radio-controlled wrist-worn digital timepiece.
The PIN code-activated watch will only allow the gun to be fired if it is within a set range.
Once a signal is sent to unlock the gun a light on the back of the weapon turns green, otherwise, the firearm stays locked and the light remains red.
As soon as the gun loses radio contact with the watch – e.g. if it is knocked out of the shooter’s hand or in case of loss, theft, etc. – it automatically deactivates itself.
The German-manufactured weapon – dubbed the iGun – has now gone on sale in California and has been described as the country’s first smart gun.
The Smart System means the gun’s movement and actions can be tracked and restricted. An optional Target Control module can also mean the weapon will only function if the gun’s sights are on the “permitted” target.
A company statement says the system will monitor “which shooter is authorised for what sort of actions, how many shots have been fired in what timeframe, when was the last time the weapon has been secured and released, is a shot permitted in the direction of a target the gun sights currently are?”
The pistol is on sale for $1,399 and the watch is sold separately at $399.
For more information visit (Rex Features via AP Images)

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