There’s much more to Midsouth offering Free Shipping than just shipping your one item for free. You get a built-in discount for any other item(s) you order along with it. How does that work? Check out the info-graphic below for a better idea.

We charge shipping by weight, distance, and for the packing. All of our packing is done by hand, by a person, so that has to be factored into each package shipped out our doors. Now, when you order a free shipping item, we remove that cost from any other items that have to be packed along with it. That means those rings that would have had the packing cost added in, are now being shipped solely by their weight, making for a significant savings on your end. That same savings applies to ANY item you order along with your Free Shipping item. Got a 5000 Count box of Varmint Nightmare X-Treme Bullets on order with that VX-2? You’re only getting charged for the weight and distance those bullets have to travel. Pretty good deal, right? Check out our inventory on our website and just look for the red FREE SHIPPING label!