Affordable Key-Mod Rails for the AR-15

Since 1989 GuntecUSA has been providing both the professional and average shooter quality products to improve their shooting. Now comes the manufacturer’s AR-15-ready, line of ultra lightweight thin key mod free floating handguard with a monolithic top rail. The all new handguards features a T6 Aluminum body. Guntec’s free floating handguard includes a proprietary steel barrel nut. The rail system slides over the barrel nut and locks up against the receiver with just six screws. Guntec Key-Mod Handrails come in the original Tactical Black, and Dark Earth, and in a variety of lengths and designs.
What makes a Key-Mod rail so great? It’s super-light-weight, endlessly customizable, and easy to use. The open sourced design allows you to place the extra rail anywhere on the handguard, giving you the freedom to choose what components to add, as well as reducing weight of the rail by getting rid of the unused rail space.
Not only is the handrail easy to install, but the key-mod rails are even easier. You never have to worry about rail covers, or hurt fingers, again. Just simply remove your accessory, then remove the rail, and you’re back to the smooth grip of the key-mod rail itself. Still unsure of how the key-mod system works? Check out the easy-to-follow equation below.

We had a quick word with our own Matt D. to get his thoughts on the GuntecUSA Key-Mod system. Matt has a wide range of experience with AR builds. Take a look at the clip below to see just how the barrel nut is set up, and how you can install it without marring your rail.
As you can see from the short clip, the design of the barrel nut makes it impossible to use most armourers wrenches. We’ve seen the results, and it’s not pretty, typically destroying the threads for the barrel screws. We used a crescent wrench, set to the appropriate width of 18mm-33mm. Each handrail also comes with shims, to ensure a super-tight fit.